- Designation: Demonstrator
- Qualification: DCP
- Medical Council Registration: MP 9159
Dr. Mili Tirpathi
- About Faculty: Dr. Mili Tirpathi
- Education and Qualification:
Qualification/Degree Date College University DCP 2012 Davangere Karnataka JJMMC Davangere Karnataka
- Work Experience:
Post Institution From To Total Years As Medical Officer Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal 04-09-2015 4-09-2018 3 Year As Demonstrator/Tutor Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal 5-09-2018 Till Date 4 Year 2 Month Grand Total of Teaching Experience 7 Year 2 Month Detail of service/Working - working place/Institute name 2016 Medical officer in Department of Pathology, Gandhi Medical college, Bhopal 2017 Medical officer in Department of Pathology, Gandhi Medical college, Bhopal 2018 Demonstrator in Department of Microbiology Gandhi Medical College Bhopal 2019 Demonstrator in Department of Microbiology Gandhi Medical College Bhopal 2020 Demonstrator in Department of Microbiology Gandhi Medical College Bhopal 2021 Demonstrator in Department of Microbiology Gandhi Medical College Bhopal - Publications:
Publications 1 .................................................................................................. 2 - Other Details:
Enlist the topic Covered in last one year 2018 Batch 2019 Batch 1 Culture Media 1 Sterilization 2 Gram Staining 2 Sample collection and transportation 3 Identification of Gram Positive Bacteria (Staphylococcus) 3 Staining techniques and Gram staining 4 Stool Examination 4 Stool Examination 5 Lab Diagnosis of Salmonella 5 Gram Staining and Stool Examination (for 3 days) 6 Lab Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections 6 Pandemic Module 7 Biomedical Waste Management 7 Gram Staining ( For 3 Days ) 8 Gram staining and stool Examination ( For 3 Days ) 9 ZN staining and use of PPE(For 3 Days) 10 ZN staining and Hand hygiene ( For 3 Days)