Diary / Calendar Diary/Calendar

Pathology Department



    Investigation/Procedure - Pathology Department 
 S.No.   Investigation  S.No.   Investigation
1  Urine routine - pH,specific gravity,sugar,protein and microscopy 33  FNAC
2  Stool occult blood 34 Total red cell count with MCV,MCH,MCHC,RDW hemogram/CBC,Hb,RBC Count  
3  Semen analysis 35  indices TLC,DLC,Platelet,ESR,Peripheral smear examination 
4  Hemoglobin(Hb) 36  G6PD
5  E.S.R. 37  Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)
6  Platelet count 38 WBC cytochemistry for leukemia
7  Reticulocyte count 39   PT
8  Absolute eosinophil count 40  Thrombin time
9  Packed cell volume(PCV) 41  Fibrinogen,D-Dimer/FDP
10  Peripheral smear examination 42  Factor assays - factor VIII
11  Smear for malaria parasite 43  Factor assays - factor IX
12  Bleeding time, CT 44  Clot retraction test
13  Osmotic fragility test 45  Hbf
14  Bone marrow smear examination 46  Thalessemia studies (red cell indices and Hb) by HPLC
15  Bone marrow smear examination with iron stain 47  Tests for sickling
16  Bone marrow smear examination withM  cytochemistry 48  Coomb's test direct
17  24hrs urine for protein 49  Coomb's test indirect
18  Urine bile pigment and salt 50  RH antibody titre
19  Urine urobilinogen 51  Small biopsy for histopathology examination
20  Urine ketones 52  Frozen Section
21  Urine occult blood 53  Direct immuno fluorescence (Skin and Kidney Disease)
22  Bence jones protein 54  Bone marrow biopsy
23  Buccal smear for barr bodies 55  Lupus Anti Coagulant
24  L E cell 56  VWF Ag
25  Whole blood 57  Factor - VIII/ Factor IX inhibitor
26  Packed red cells 58  Blood group Rh
27  Fresh frozen plasma 59  Cross Match
28  Platelet concentrate 60  Microscopy sugar , protein
29  Cryoprecipitate 61  Bleeding disorder panel (PT,APTT,TT,Fibrinogen, D-Dimer/FDP)
30  Single donor platelet (SDP) 62  Slide and Block review
31  Pap smear 63  Apheresis
32  Body fluid (CSF/Ascitic fluid etc.)    64  Smear from endoscopy